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2014-02-20 18:03:33 作者: 来源:第一幕墙收集整理 我要评论0


加拿大BIM委员会(Canada BIM Council)正考虑将美国BIM标准(National BIM Standard)第二版引入加拿大建筑业。加拿大BIM委员会的副主席、技术委员会主席Allan Partridge先生说:“由buildingSMART alliance组织开发的NBIMS标准,亦能成为其他国家(包括加拿大)的BIM实施标准的基础(the standard, being developed under the auspices of the buildingSMART alliance, could form the basis of BIM standards in other countries, including Canada. )”。以下是详细报道:

Input sought on emerging Building Information Modeling standard


The Canada BIM Council (CanBIM) is seeking input from industry professionals on suggested changes or updates to Version 2 of the National BIM Standard-United States (NBIMS), a full “consensus” standard being written by a team of industry experts.

CanBIM vice-president Allan Partridge, chair of the organization’s technical committee, said the standard, being developed under the auspices of the buildingSMART alliance, could form the basis of BIM standards in other countries, including Canada.

“So input is crucial,” said Partridge, executive director of integrated practice at Group2 Architecture Engineering Ltd. in Edmonton.

CanBIM last year signed a memorandum of understanding with the Washington-based alliance to support North American efforts to develop standards and guidelines for BIM. The alliance is a council of the National Institute of Building Sciences.

Partridge said the primary purpose of the NBIMS initiative is to “harmonize, align, reference or otherwise develop” advanced open standards and mainstream computing techniques to enable the full integration of any architecture, engineering and construction data type and the processing resources that act with this data in any given building information model.

An open standard is a standard that is publicly available and has various rights to use associated with it.

Noting that the cost of developing the U.S. standard is estimated at US$25 million, Partridge said duplication of the process to create a made in Canada solution could be quite costly.

Version 2 is being written by a team of industry experts drawn from all sectors of the construction industry, among them academics, architects, contractors, engineers, fabricators, owners, specifiers and supply chain and software developers and vendors.

CanBIM is providing input through its technical committee.

The new standard is scheduled to be completed by December.

Partridge said a Canadian version could be delivered “very quickly and effectively” after the release of NBIMS 2.0.

The buildingSMART alliance is accepting “ballot” submissions until June 1 to update current sections of the standard and to expand it to cover the latest standards, practices and technologies.

Since Version 1-part 1 was first released in 2008, a number of new processes have evolved, including information exchange standards for construction operations and product specifications.

Partridge said CanBIM members, which include architecture, engineering and contracting firms, are anxious to see protocols developed for the “effective interchange” of data between users to decrease lack of interoperability.

“We support the NBIMS effort to standardize the data exchange process which is vital before any ‘how-to’ best practices are adopted or BIM delivery plans are developed,” he said.

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